Sound Therapy

I initially discovered Sound Therapy in 2005 by chance. I was at a workshop run by a facilitator in Northern Tasmania with a friend, and during one of the sessions was advised to look up Singing Bowls by the facilitator as they might be of some support with my hearing loss.

At the time Google was a new thing, so I went home and Googled Singing Bowls. Lo and behold there was a Sound Therapy workshop coming up in a few months in Tasmania with Susie Nelson Smith, from Sydney. Susie was bringing her Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls to Tasmania for Concerts and Workshops.

I attended the first weekend workshop and was absolutely rapt with the shifts and changes in my body as I spent time immersing in the sounds of the Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls. I left, hopping in my car to listen to what I previously thought was good quality music, and realised that my whole world of perception had changed.

I had ordered my first Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl, a B Note, and soon after this workshop decided to order a Chakra Set. Not long after that set arrived (on Susies next visit to Tasmania) I decided to sign up for her Crystal Sound Therapy Practitioners Training. My whole world had been transformed!

At the time I was teaching primary school students, however gradually my school teaching hours decreased and my time working with Sound Therapy, Massage and Healing became my primary focus. It has been an incredible journey.

In 2025 I celebrate 20 years of working with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls.

Sound Session in the Grampians Autumn 2010