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Innerji Sound and Massage
Massage & Sound Therapy

ABN 73849165883

Massage & Myotherapy Australia No: 2057R

Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls and Alchemy Singing Bowls

Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are a totally unique experience involving all the senses!  They can be played as a group in concert format, played individually as an addition to a massage or other therapy, or used in sound therapy for specific treatments.  Each bowl resonates with a particular musical note, and these relate to the chakras in the body.  As the bowls are played, the vibrations resonate within the body, tuning the chakras, restoring balance and harmony in the system.
Concerts are regularly held at
"Grampians Paradise" Caravan and Parkland near Pomonal in the Grampians (www.grampiansparadise.com.au), see the calendar of events for details of upcoming events.  You are most welcome to contact us for details if you wish to book your own special event.  Over the past few years, Innerji Crystal Sound has been added to Birthday Parties, Special Celebrations, Christenings, Memorials and Solstice/Equinox Sunrise events. 
Workshops are an opportunity for you to explore Crystal Sound for yourself, workshops are planned for Tasmania (Bruny Island and Hobart), and The Grampians, Victoria, please see the calendar of events for details.  Workshops are held for both beginners and those who have already begun to explore Crystal Sound with the Singing Bowls, these provide an opportunity for you to experience the bowls in a more intimate way, and can be a good way to discover whether you would like to purchase a bowl of your own....

Please send any email enquiries to Vanessa, details are on the Contact Page -  Contact Innerji & Vanessa Beckitt


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